Institute of agricolture and tourism

Olive oil and other oils → Mixed varieties

Začinsko ulje s okusom i mirisom ljute paprike (Croatian)
9,00 € / kom

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Sastojci: djevičansko maslinovo ulje i prirodni ekstrakt ljute papričice. Začinsko ulje je pakirano u bocama od 0,25 litara. Za kupnju većih količina cijena se posebno dogovara.


Institute of agricolture and tourism

In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on the year of 1864 in Istria were held elections for the Provincial Parliament. From the very beginning, Parliament dealt with the problems of agriculture as the most important economic sectors. Consequently Parliament on 5th September of 1874th made a decision on the establishment of provincial-fruit winery station (Stazione eno-pomologica Provinciale), headquartered in Poreč. The station began operations in April 1875. On 8th February 1883 they established agricultural school. This activity, along with research in agriculture and the knowledge and technology application of research’s extended to education.

Institute of Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč (hereinafter referred to as “The Institute”) based its historical sequence on the development process of over 138 years of existence, acting on the whole territory of Istria through the following scientific and educational legal forms:

- 1875 - Stazione eno-pomologica Provinciale (Provincial eno-pomological centre)
- 1887 - Istituto Agraria - Stazione Sperimentale (Agricultural Institute - Experimental Station)
- 1937 - Istituto Tecnico Agrario (Agricultural Technical Institute)
- 1945 - Vocational Technical High School of Agriculture
- 1954 - Institute for Advancement of Management
- 1955 - Agricultural Station
- 1961 - College of Agriculture
- 1966 - Agricultural High School
- 1971 - High School Centre
- 1978 - Centre of directed education
- 1984 - Agricultural Research Centre,
- 1989 - Institute for Agriculture and Tourism - Scientific research work organization
- 1996 - Institute for Agriculture and Tourism - Public research institute in Croatia

Since the establishment, the Institute has resolved critical issues and problems of the Istrian agriculture: growing vines on a north American base, protection of vineyards from diseases - peronospora, mildew, etc.; renewal of vineyards and the introduction of high-quality grape varieties, improving wine production, improving agricultural practices in fruit, especially olive, modernization of crop production wheat), livestock production (cattle), vegetable production, etc.

The first director of the Institute (Experimental Station) was Emil von Mayerbach (1875), while the most striking work’s accomplished by the director Carlo Hugues (1882.-1899.). He was a versatile world recognized expert who advocated the triple effect of the Institutes activities: Research - Application - Education.

With the establishment of the Agricultural Science Center (1984.) at the Center for primary education in Poreč), begins the modern scientific research in agriculture and tourism, which was from beginning of the sixties of the 20th century neglected.

Institute of agricolture and tourism

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